Sustainable prospects Project development week 3

Sustainable prospects Project development week 3

8th October 2019

In June 2019 I started my MA with Falmouth university as part of an accredited education programme.




Felicity McCabe Lecture

Earlier today I watched the Felicity McCabe  lecture that was uploaded as part of this weeks lessons. I found the whole lecture enthralling from start to finish, and it gave me so many ideas for ways to experiment and go forward with my project.

It came at exactly the right time as I am due to start 20 portrait photoshoots of home educating families across Cornwall over the coming weeks for my work in progress this module; so hearing all about Felicity’s colour and lighting usage was perfectly timed for me.

The idea of incorporating still life and landscape was also really intriguing, as it is something I have been playing with the idea of doing, but trying to thread together all the seams of how it could work in my project. I have been considering amidst others, views of the home environment without any of the family in the photograph, still life shots of educational resources such as pens, pencils, notebooks, laptops etc .

My ideas had been to perhaps look at doing diptychs of the landscape or still life shots along side the portraits, or portraits alongside the documentary photographs of the education in progress, so it was great to see this being done in ‘real life’ by a successful photographer, and that it can work, and work well at conveying a philosophy. I especially liked her description of her work and diptychs with save the children “They want to show a portrait as part of a disaster response …. they are trying to find ways to show more than just a cadaver, they’re trying to show that persons life, to communicate what’s going on with the situation.” [ Week 11: Interview with Felicity McCabe ]

I love this way of explaining the decision to use the landscapes and still life to communicate the depth of something, in a way that a portrait can’t.

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This blog is written as part of my studies on the Falmouth University photography ma, an accredited educational programme.